Guides & References

Display the InAppComment PopUp.

You simply have to invoke/call this function.


Obtaining results(enabling the custom manifest):

In-App comment works in UnityPlayerActivity with the startActivityForResult method. We can get the result by overriding the OnResult method in the Activity, but we need to override the method from another activity that extends the UnityPlayerActivity. We've already done that and you just have to activate the manifest in which it is defined in it.

To enable the custom manifest, simply delete the .old extension from the Huawei/Plugins/Android/ActivityResultAndroidManifest.xml.old file.


Limitations of In-App Comments in Landscape Mode

Please note that using In-App comments may cause issues for games that only support landscape mode. While it functions properly with portrait mode, it temporarily forces landscape-only games to switch to portrait mode. This can result in visual distortions such as a black background, overlapping components, and distortion of the game while running in the background.

To avoid these problems, consider using an alternative solution by implementing your own pop-up screen to prompt users for star ratings and then directing them to your Game page on the AppGallery store. AndroidUtils can be used for this purpose.

Last updated