😇Might Help

Solutions that can help you solve problems you may encounter.

Getting the Logs

You can use Android Logcat:

Unity Editor>Window>Package Manager>Unity Registry>Android Logcat.

Using the LogCat

Select the phone, select the right app then enter "[HMS"

You can check the logs related with our plugin. If problem is not there delete "[HMS" to check HMS logs. If the problem still not there select no filter option on app selection. This last part is especially effective in problems where the application does not start.

Rebuilding Unity Project

Are you having trouble getting builds when everything is ok? Rebuilding your unity project might work.

  1. Exit unity editor,

  2. Go to your project folder,

  3. Delete everything except Assets, Packages, and ProjectSettings

  4. Then run your project via Unity Hub. This will recreate these files.

Clearing HMS Core Cache

This process speeds up the effects of the changes you make in the console and can save you time for testing. These changes can be Newly enabled services or kits, SHA-256 changes, location changes, etc.

  1. Update your json file with the newly downloaded one

  2. Delete your game from your device

  3. Clear HMS Core cache. In your device Settings>Apps>HMS Core>Storage>Clear Cache

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